The Fandom Favorites Tag

What ho, lads! It’s been too long since we’ve done a fun tag around here, hasn’t it? Never fear, the lovely Eva-Joy @The Caffeinated Fangirl just included me in her newly created Fandom Favorites Tag! Thanks, Eva! ❤ ~The rules~ Compile a list of up to ten of your favorite fandoms. Books, movies, TV shows—you… Continue Reading →

The Sunshine Blogger Award

What ho, old chaps! The mighty Rachel @Hamlette’s Soliloquy recently tagged me for the Sunshine Blogger Award, while the fair Olivia @Meanwhile in Rivendell opened her questions for the same award to “anyone who wants to play.” Here I am then, good sirs, ready to answer your questions! ~Rachel’s Questions~ 1. What was your favorite… Continue Reading →

Yet Another Fandom Tag

Fangirls, fanboys, and fan-nobinary-people, welcome, one and all! The delightful Christine has kindly tagged me with Yet Another Fandom Tag, which is as good an excuse as I ever heard to gush about allllllllllllllll my favorite books and movies and TV shows. I can’t wait to get started! But first, some simple tag rules: include… Continue Reading →

The Only Villain I Like

Clickbait title. No regrets. 😛 But I’m not lying to you guys–this post will in fact be a deep dive into The Strange Case of The Only Villain Katie Likes: The character Catra, from the Netflix animated show She-Ra: Princesses of Power. I am notorious for hating villains. I fully admit it. Or perhaps more… Continue Reading →

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