Yet Another Fandom Tag

Fangirls, fanboys, and fan-nobinary-people, welcome, one and all!

The delightful Christine has kindly tagged me with Yet Another Fandom Tag, which is as good an excuse as I ever heard to gush about allllllllllllllll my favorite books and movies and TV shows. I can’t wait to get started!

But first, some simple tag rules:

  • include the graphic somewhere in your post (voila!)
  • answer the questions …
  • and tag two fellow fan-people to answer them too!

~the questions~

What’s the first fandom you remember becoming a part of?

I’m going to try as hard as I can to pick a single fandom per question, but this question legitimately has two answers, depending on how you slice it. The first fandom I remember becoming part of, as in the “first series with a large fan following which I became invested in,” would be The Chronicles of Narnia at age eight. I inhaled those books in a week and never looked back. However, as a child and even as a teenager, I wasn’t really aware that … the Narnia fandom existed?? I wasn’t aware there were other people in the world besides me who loved Narnia, or who had even read it. (Yes, I was a very self-absorbed and isolated little introvert, aND YOUR POINT IS??? xD)

The Ilyon Chronicles by Jaye L. Knight, a Christian fantasy series I read in college, was the first fandom I remember properly joining, in the sense of being aware that, “oh, there are other folks out here who are reading and loving these books at the same time as me!” Today, I would have to admit I have … certain issues with the Ilyon books, especially some of the messages they impart about Christian courage, Christian forgiveness, women’s roles in the Christian community, etc. etc. etc. How-so-ever, I still maintain that The King’s Scrolls was lightning in a bottle, and Bitter Winter healed my heart at a time when I needed it sorely. The series as a whole both introduced me to the joys of fandom and reignited my love of the fantasy genre, and for that, I’m grateful. ❤

What’s the newest fandom you’ve come to enjoy?

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo! Apparently, I read these books at exactly the right time, because we’re getting a shiny, shiny Netflix adaptation in April.


For the record, I am 100% aware that the vast majority of these characters’ actions are immoral, illegal, or fattening. I’m not condoning all the shenanigans they get up to, especially my boy Kaz–there’s a reason they call him “Dirtyhands.” But at the same time, I appreciate the author’s honesty in not making these characters “any better than they ought to be,” to borrow an old-fashioned phrase. At the end of the day, they’re heavily traumatized teenagers trying to survive, watch each other’s backs, make some money, and scrape into The Good Life by the skin of their teeth. I can respect that, even if they’re not … like … saints or something. 😛

What’s a fandom guaranteed to give you feels?

Erm, all of them? What kind of question is this? Why would I join any fandom that doesn’t give me feels??

But if you insist I pick //one//, I’ll say The West Wing. This is my favorite television show largely because of its deep, long-running, sniffles-inducing character arcs. Has there ever been a screenwriter who punches you in the gut with TEAM BUILDING and CHARACTER GROWTH more effectively than Aaron Sorkin? I’m really not sure there has. “Thanks, Boss.” “It’s me, Sam.” “Tell me where Donna Moss is.” “He was proud of you, Josh.” “Go knock ’em dead.” “If you were in an accident, I wouldn’t stop for red lights.” “You’re gonna lose, and lose big, next week. They’re gonna throw rocks at you … and I wanted to be standing next to you when they did.”

Since we’re talking fandoms anyway, this is an appropriate time to share the single greatest West Wing fan video in existence, set to the wonderful song “King and Lionheart.” “As the world comes to an end, I’ll be here to hold your hand, ’cause you’re my king and I’m your lionheart.”

Crap, now I need to watch all seven seasons again. A thousand curses upon Netflix for letting this gem get away.

What’s a guilty pleasure fandom of yours?

There’s a lot of ways to define “guilty pleasure,” which is why I don’t really like the phrase. I’m defining it here as “fandom I enjoy even though I recognize objective moral problems with the story which dampen my pleasure somewhat.” For me, that would be the sitcom Community.

Even though I love Community’s premise and feel at home in the storyworld, since it reminds me of my own commuter-college years … even though I absolutely adore the inventiveness of (say) the campus paintball wars that turn into Western pastiches or Vietnam War homages … Community has some serious issues. The show doesn’t write women particularly well, and revels in constant “gay jokes” while shying away from actual LGBT+ representation. Moreover, what the wHAT was that with Jeff and Annie in the first three seasons? What. the. what.

(I’m not saying I absolutely abhor age-gap romances. I don’t! And I’m not saying I could never see Jeff and Annie together //at some future time//: but I’m still saying, any and all of their kisses during the timeline of the show were completely unnecessary and should never have been included. Hands to yo’ frickin’ self, Jeff Winger. You’re the adult here.)

“Modern Warfare” and “A Fistful of Paintballs” are still iconic, though. And “Geothermal Escapism”? Legendary.

What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve heard of/are a part of?

I think it’s safe to say Netflix’s Umbrella Academy qualifies as “weird.” There’s a monkey man, a chimpanzee butler, a robot mom, a mannequin wife, and a 58-year-old assassin trapped in the body of a 13-year-old boy. Weird? Yes?

Favorite popular/widely-known fandom?

The Marvel Cinematic Universe, no question. I love my superhero babies with a great and abiding love, and I’m never shy about proclaiming it. 😉 I also find it amusing that folks were like “eh, maybe the MCU is finished, maybe they’re all tapped out of good content” after Endgame released … AND THEN Marvel hit us with WandaVision, which was not only excellent, but, dare I say, *adjusts hipster glasses* groundbreaking. I can’t wait to see what they cook up next.

Favorite bookish fandom?

The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater. The first book in the series, The Raven Boys, shares a spot with Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl as my “actual favorite book of all time.” Together, the other three books–The Dream Thieves, Blue Lily, Lily Blue, and The Raven King–make a pure, perfect whole that just can’t be topped, y’know?

If you read my Goodreads review, you’ll see I have tried (and failed, heh hehhh) to explain in coherent English why I love this world and these characters. Sure, the series hits a lot of sweet spots for me: Celtic mythology, intensive genrebending (seriously, is this contemporary or fantasy??? who can know??), faithful anxiety rep, queer romance, forbidden romance, found family, self-sacrifice, gHOSTS AFRAID TO LET GO OF LIFE (excuse me whilst I sob for 1000 years). But ultimately, it just comes down to a feeling. That feeling you get when you bite into a rich, dark slice of cake, and the spring breeze stirs your curtains and the stars twinkle in the evening sky outside, and you know for an instant that there’s magic in the world.

What do you consider your ‘homebase,’ a fandom you can always come back to?

Am I allowed to call Jane Austen a “fandom”? Because if so, that’s my answer! I’ve been obsessed with her books since I was fourteen years old. I didn’t discover Austen movies until I was twenty, but it didn’t take me long to become obsessed with those, too. Austen feels very much like home for me. I’m always down to re-read Persuasion or discuss the finer points of Pride and Prejudice films. (With one caveat: if you do not adequately respect Keira Knightley, that discussion will be a very short one. :-P)

What’s a fandom you know all about…but aren’t actually into it?

Lord of the Rings, Supernatural, Sherlock, Twilight, The Hunger Games … shall I go on? I’m fairly notorious for my “scavenger’s” tendency to collect interesting facts about stories I have no interest in reading or watching. Basically, I’m a magpie. I guess you could say I like to analyze audience reactions to author choices, even if I’m not planning to experience the author’s work firsthand.

Which fandom has the best characters?

Again, the answer could fairly be “all of them!!!!” but if I’ve gotta choose, I’ll go with Netflix’s She-Ra and the Princesses of Power.

This absolute jewel of a television series not only has a complex, deep female antagonist I can RELATE TO for once, but an entire cast of strong, sympathetic, well-written women. This is female-centric character work at its finest, and I adore it.

(“adore” like “Adora,” see what I did there? #puns)

Name your all-time favorite ship.

This question is actually pretty easy for me, actually, since I’ve had one consistent OTP since my college days. That would be Rose Tyler and the Tenth Doctor, from Doctor Who.

I admit I’ve wrestled a bit with my instinctive love for this pair, because I feel some pressure to choose more of an … “ideal OTP,” I guess, in the sense of a wholly exemplary relationship?? And Rose and Ten aren’t perfect. I love them dearly, but perfect they are simply Not. They have clear issues, notable among these being lack of communication. “If you see Rose, tell her … Ah, she knows.” NO, SHE DOESN’T KNOW, YA BIG MORON. Use your words, Tennant.

But if there’s one thing real life, in all its messy glory, has taught me, it’s that no relationship (platonic or romantic) is ever perfect. But if you find somebody who feels like home, who puts you at ease and squeezes your broken pieces back together–you jolly well hold onto them. To me, that’s what Ten and Rose are. Whenever I see Rose run to jump into his arms, and I see his eyes crinkle as he buries his face in her hair, it reminds me this cold, sad world isn’t so cold and sad after all. ❤

Obviously, there are exceptions to this rule. If the guy who gives you those warm, fuzzy feelings turns out to be a murderer or a bigamist or what have you, I’m not advocating riding off into the sunset with him. I am speaking of the acceptable threshold of human imperfections. xD

What’s a fandom you’re curious about joining?

The All for the Game books by Nora Sakavic. I know, I know, I know. But sometimes the heart wants what it wants, eh?

them: so you’re saying you WANT to read about angsty Slytherin sports gays on the run from the Mafia?

me (defensively): maybe I do, Sharon. maybe I do.


And that’s a wrap on the questions, you guys! I’m going to tag three people here, even though the rules call for two, and I invite anybody else who’s interested to join in. Play if you want to!

Meanwhile, here are the tag questions for your copying convenience:

  • What’s the first fandom you remember becoming a part of?
  • What’s the newest fandom you’ve come to enjoy?
  • What’s a fandom guaranteed to give you feels?
  • What’s a guilty pleasure fandom of yours?
  • What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve heard of/are a part of?
  • Favorite popular/widely-known fandom?
  • Favorite bookish fandom?
  • What do you consider your ‘homebase,’ a fandom you can always come back to?
  • What’s a fandom you know all about…but aren’t actually into it?
  • Which fandom has the best characters?
  • Name your all-time favorite ship.
  • What’s a fandom you’re curious about joining?

Have fun, everybody!

27 thoughts on “Yet Another Fandom Tag

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  1. You did the tag! YAAAY!!! I absolutely loved reading about some of your favorite fandoms! There are so many here I keep meaning to give a try. Like The West Wing and She-Ra and Six of Crows. YEAH. Haven’t tried any of them but I MUST ONE DAY.

    But SO MUCH YES to the MCU. Ugh. Just when I think it can’t get any better IT DOES.

    AND TEN AND ROSE. *shrieks for a million-billion years* Oh my goodness, you put it into words! They ARE home for each other and just– *clutches heart* I CAN’T. Absolutely, 100% one of my top favorite ships of all time and I will never be over them. NEVER.

    Thanks so much for joining in! This was great! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Okay, The West Wing, I have no idea whether it would be your thing or not (slow-burn political drama?) BUT, I HIGHLY recommend it because it has amazing, amazing character work and it presents a vision for America that’s somehow both idealistic and pragmatic? Sure, those were Simpler Times, but the show still inspires me when I watch it. 😉

      I 1000% recommend She-Ra to you, it’s pink and glittery and funnnnnnnnn but also full of feeeeeeeeeeeeels and so many amazing strong women who are strong in all different ways, and BASICALLY YES.

      *melts into a puddle of feels over Ten and Rose* *hugs you and sobs* We will never be over them! Never, never, never!

      Thank you so much for tagging me!! This was incredibly fun! ❤


  2. Such a fun tag! I loooved reading your answers.
    Chronicles of Narnia is so good! That was one of my first fandoms, too (although I didn’t actually know that fandoms were a thing until I was in my early teens and then I was like, “YUP, I’M DEFINITELY A FANGIRL”).
    MURDER CHILDREN. That is just perfect.
    The MCU, yesss! *cheers* It’s one of my favorite fandoms.
    I agree with you about Community. I love it, and I think it’s a fun show, but it did have a few issues.
    I really need to see Doctor Who. And The West Wing. And She-Ra. And Thee Umbrella Academy. Basically, there’s a lot of shows that I need to see (but hey! At least I’ve seen Stranger Things now. And I loved it, and I have so many thoughts and feelings that I definitely need to do a review, XD).
    And Jane Austen! I love her books (even though I haven’t read them all yet).
    “Why would I join any fandom that doesn’t give me feels?” It’s the same for me, too.
    Okay, now you’ve gotten me interested in All for the Game because it sounds so interesting.


    1. Haha right?? I didn’t even hear the word “fangirl” til I was like 18 or 20, and then it belatedly dawned on me, “oh, so what I’ve been my entire life, basically.” xD

      Yup. Community definitely had some problems, but on the other hand, they gave us TROY AND ABED, who are, unambiguously, A GIFT. ❤

      Oh I hear you!! There are so many shows I haven't watched yet and need to watch! I highly, HIGHLY recommend She-Ra to you–I think you'd revel in it, so many strong female characters with juicy character arcs.

      Ooh yes! Do a Stranger Things review, definitely!

      All for the Game is also intriguing to me 'cuz it's an indie published series that actually became moderately famous through Tumblr. So as somebody who's (starting) to consider self-publishing, I'm like "how did she do that" o.O

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yup. I was like, “I’ve finally found my people!”
        TROY AND ABED ARE THE BEST. Ahh, true friendship goals.
        Strong female characters and juicy character arcs? I MUST WATCH THIS SHOW IMMEDIATELY.
        You know, I think I might. If I end up doing it, I’ll comment the link.
        That does sound intriguing. It just goes to show how powerful social media can be (which can be really bad in some cases but for authors/artists/actors/singers/all the creative types it can be pretty great).


      2. You must!! You’ll love She-Ra so much!!

        That would be awesome, I look forward to seeing your answers!

        Oh, for sure. Social media makes a huge difference in marketing, for better and for worse.


    Yes same I also am a fandom magpie?? I know everything about Voltron and Klance and I haven’t watched a minute of it???
    Umbrella Academy looks SO GOOD
    SHE-RA is fabulous (gonna sound weird, but I watched it after reading a post on your blog. I loved it, and finished it, and then harangued my friend into watching it, and guess what?? She loves it too. LMAO)


    1. *high five for a fellow fandom magpie* Right?? It’s just so Satisfying to know All the Facts about all the fandoms, even the ones we’ll never actually join …

      Umbrella Academy is a revelation of insane weirdness. The first season is pretty good and the second season is PHENOMENAL.

      Oooh you watched She-Ra after reading my posts?? That’s not weird at all!!! That’s my only goal in life and blogging, GETTING OTHER PEOPLE HOOKED ON SHE-RA. 😉 So glad you guys loved it! ❤

      Thank you, friend! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Oooooh, thank you! This looks like a super fun tag and I’m hoping to answer it today.

    Not sure what I’m going to put for that tricky ‘guilty pleasure’ question though… (or a lot of the questions actually lol)


    1. Oh yes please! I’m excited to see your answers! 😀

      Any time somebody mentions “guilty pleasure” for anything (books, movies, food, whatever) I always side-eye it a little bit, because … what does that even mean? Why am I supposed to feel guilty? I Don’t 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Not gonna lie, I actually screamed out loud when I saw that you had tagged me. So, thank you very much!! 😀 I started answering the questions right away, but I don’t know when I’ll finish and post them. I’ll be sure to let you know when I do!

    Out of these, I’m only familiar with Narnia (aka my fictional home), Marvel (entertainment at its finest. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier started yesterday! Eeeeep!!), and Jane Austen (a perfect answer to that question! She is a queen.). But, based on your excellent taste, I want to get into ALL OF THESE. Especially She-Ra, Umbrella Academy, and Doctor Who. I need to get my act together!


    1. Oh, I’m so glad!!! I was hoping you would enjoy this one! I can’t wait to see your answers, they’re gonna be awesome! 😀

      YES, YES, AND YES! I highly recommend all of those shows to you, but especiallyyyyyyy Doctor Who–you’re going to love it so, so, so much. It’s such a treat. Many, many, MANY feels. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Aww, I hope so! I just posted them on my blog so it’s my most recent post.

        Ah, I’m hyperventilating by how much I want to see Doctor Who!! I’m on the lookout for a way to watch it and as soon as I find one I will jump at the opportunity!


  6. As always you have superb taste! Six of Crows! I can’t wait for the show. I love my thieves. Umbrella Academy, The Raven Boys, and Rose and 10 I haven’t found an Otp to beat them either.
    I loved the ‘All for the Game’ books! They broke me emotionally though.
    They do have lots of content, especially the third one. (Just a warning)


    1. Awww thank you, fren! ❤

      Shadow and Bone is going to be LEGENDARY. Ugh, I want April to get here already!

      Thanks for the heads up! Yeah, I'm wondering if the content would be too much of an issue or not. Will have to see.


  7. I’ve seen “A Fistful of Paintballs” 9 or 10 times at least because… Josh Holloway in a cowboy hat? I am here for it, all day. In fact, it may have inspired my first western novel, in a way. Ahem. It and its sequel are the only eps of Community I’ve ever seen… and I’ve only seen the sequel once. And I’m okay with that.


    1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! It inspired your Westerns–I love that so much!! 😀

      Well, honestly, if you had to pick just one Community episode to watch … “A Fistful of Painballs” is pretty much the cream of the crop. That and “Modern Warfare” (Vietnam War parody, absolutely insane in the best way, 10/10 would recommend.)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, in that it made me see how spectacularly well Josh Holloway fits a cowboy hat, and I got this whole character based on that fact (whom I absolutely adore), and then he turned out to be this sort of mentor character in a book that I ended up writing in 2004-05 that I absolutely love and intend to rework and publish at some point. It was my first YA novel and my first western novel, and by like chapter two or three, I was like, “I am home. I am never writing anything but westerns again.” Which, so far, has been kinda true, except for a couple WWII-set stories and one post-Civil-War-era book I’ve been writing on and off for years that is only somewhat tied to the West.

        So yeah, I publish westerns today because of that Community ep, in a way. Because of Josh Holloway, definitely.


      2. I love that! ❤ I love how a character, an actor, or even a fleeting image can inspire an entire story, or even an entire world!! That's definitely happened to me, when I see a random person (doesn't even have to be an actor) in a magazine or a history book or what not, and I think "that's a character in a story." And then years later, that character germinates and blossoms.

        I'm sure that Josh Holloway and Community would both be honored to know they've inspired you! (Also: I'm very curious about your YA Western …)


  8. Isn’t it AWFUL that we were so late to realize that a Narnia fandom esisted? I mean, WHERE WERE THOSE COOL LITTLE CLUBS WHERE YOU COULD SIGN UP FOR NEWSLETTERS AND GET STICKERS AND STUFF? WHERE?

    It makes me sad that Six of Crows is probably too dark for this Sensitive Viewer because it looks sooo interesting.

    Totally with you on all the fandoms you’re not a part of. XD

    Okay, I have to get around to watching some Doctor Who and Rose scenes. You’ve talked about it for so long but I think I’ve only seen, like, thirty seconds of them? But I’m getting a bit emotional just listening to you talk of them because I know the Doctor never can really end up with anybody but at the same time….you wish he could!



      #lost childhood opportunities

      Okay, I must sadly concur with you that Six of Crows is probably too dark/violent/gory for your particular tastes–but it is soooo fascinating! (I actually wrote a whole blog post about one of the MCs, Inej, because she’s one of my favorite YA heroines and super intriguing to me.) Six of Crows is all about a band of teenage thieves and assassins in this really gritty, really vividly atmospheric city that’s based on Old Amsterdam in the 1600s-1800s. They’re really morally gray but end up, like, accidentally saving the world, and it gives me joy xD


      I knowwwwwwww *sniffles* Doctor Who explores the complexities of an immortal who falls in love with mortals so wonderfully well.


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