Part Two: Enneagram!

*dances, gently, in the rain*

So my MBTI post got an INSANE response from y’all (I love you guys ❤ ), and I promised I’d do a follow-up post explaining the Enneagram.  Often presented as a kind of “rival” to the MBTI system, Enneagram actually works best when you pair it with cognitive function theory, as I shall demonstrate in Part 3 of this series, when I talk about using Enneagram + MBTI to write vivid and realistic characters.  But first, I gotta tell you how Enneagram works in the first place.  Let’s dive in, shall we?

Once again, I cannot urge you strongly enough to check out Charity’s blog, Funky MBTI, for in-depth profiles and examples of both MBTI and Enneagram.  ‘Tis a gold mine, friends.

Enneagram Types: Quick ‘N Dirty Version

Enneagram classifies people according to their core fears and desires.  Deep down, what are they afraid of?  Deep down, what do they want?  MBTI, if you’ll recall, classifies people according to thought processes (how do they take in information?  how do they make decisions?)  Compared to MBTI, then, Enneagram focuses more heavily on behavior.  Compared to MBTI, Enneagram also slants in a more spiritual/moral direction, since it’s about lies we tell ourselves, and the unhealthy patterns those lies produce.

There are nine Enneagram types, conveniently referred to as Type One through Type Nine, so, easy to keep straight. 😉  Below you’ll find my “quick ‘n dirty” profile of each.

crescent moon

Enneagram One:  I want to be perfect.  I’m afraid of being evil.

How will you recognize me?  I’m a perfectionist.  A natural critic.  I’ve been called “preachy.”  I care about things being right, big or small.  I hold strong opinions about morality, setting high expectations for myself and others.  Sometimes, a little too high.  I carry a lot of repressed anger, which I strenuously deny because anger is “bad.”  Often, I feel like I’m the only responsible member of the group, the family, or the community: and I resent it.

At my best, though, I can be conscientious, disciplined, idealistic, and a force for positive moral change.

Enneagram Two:  I want to be needed.  I’m afraid of being unneeded and lonely.

How will you recognize me?  I’m a people-pleaser.  A helper.  Often a fixer.  I define myself by my relationships.  I make myself indispensable, carving out a place in others’ lives that can’t be filled by anyone else–perhaps being clingy or dependent, perhaps being the “strong one” who never shows vulnerability.  I might smother you with my own ideas of what’s best for you, instead of really listening to what you have to say.

At my best, though, I can be warm, caring, open-hearted, and attentive to other’s true needs.

Enneagram Three:  I want to be successful.  I’m afraid of being a failure.

How will you recognize me?  Part performer, part workaholic, I have a compulsive need to impress people.  I need tangible proof of my own worth.  So, I work at it.  Throwing myself into whatever role or career will help me to shine the most.  My social image is important to me, and I’m careful not to mar it by dwelling on my weaknesses or less-proud moments.  “Put on a happy face” and tackle the next big challenge, that’s my strategy.  I may ignore pain, my own or other people’s.

At my best, though, I can be high-achieving, resilient, and capable of overcoming great obstacles to reach my goals.

Enneagram Four:  I want to be special.  I’m afraid of being ordinary.

How will you recognize me?  I’m an alien.  I’m a loner.  I’m never “one of the crowd.”  In my need to feel special, I over-emphasize my own broken pieces and wave them like a battle flag–anything to avoid the dreaded “normal.”  I can be melodramatic.  I can be self-centered.  I can sabotage my own chances at happiness, pushing away those who care about me most, because happy people in happy relationships are … normal

At my best, though, I can be creative, passionate, honest, and help others face darkness without fear.

Enneagram Five:  I want to be competent.  I’m afraid of being unprepared.

How will you recognize me?  I’m a bit of a hermit.  I watch from the sidelines.  I see the world outside my house as a scary, complicated, overwhelming place, one I’ll never be ready to face.  I never feel sufficient.  I never feel like my resources are enough.  I cope by withdrawing into my books, collecting skills and knowledge I may never test out in “the real world.”  I hate strong emotions, and take pride in my detachment from them.

At my best, though, I can be scholarly, nuanced, meticulous, and generous in sharing what I know with others.

Enneagram Six:  I want to be supported.  I’m afraid of being alone and unsafe.

How will you recognize me?  I’m a born skeptic.  I question everything, and most of all, I question myself.  I don’t feel secure in my own judgment or abilities, so I want to belong to a group I can trust.  But … who can I trust?  I come in many shades, from the strict rule-follower to the rebel constantly testing the boundaries, but one way or another, I’m always wrestling with authority.  I may never find a system that fully allays my fears.

At my best, though, I can be deeply loyal, reliable, logical, and a much-needed voice of caution.

Enneagram Seven:  I want to have fun.  I’m afraid of being sad, bored, or deprived.

How will you recognize me?  Boundless enthusiasm.  I’m always ready for adventure.  I’m always ready to party.  When it comes to handling adult responsibilities, though, I’m less ready.  Everyday routine leaves me drained and discontent.  I have low tolerance for stress or pain.  My coping mechanism is often simply, “run away.”  I may put myself out there to pursue a job opportunity or a relationship, yet bolt at the first real sign of commitment: leaving puzzled friends or exes behind.

At my best, though, I can be full of energy, spirit, and joy, adding color to others’ lives.

Enneagram Eight:  I want to be strong.  I’m afraid of being bullied.

How will you recognize me?  Either I’m the boss, or I want to be.  I see the world as a place where you have power over others, or they have power over you.  So I seize the initiative, taking control of groups or situations before they have a chance to control me.  In doing so, I can be dictatorial.  I can be aggressive.  I can even be violent.

At my best, though, I can be a strong, reassuring presence in the lives of others, channeling my need for control into a readiness to protect.

Enneagram Nine:  I want to be at peace.  I’m afraid of conflict or disruption.

How will you recognize me?  I’m the one who wants everybody to get along.  I’m the one who hates fights.  I don’t like asserting myself.  I don’t like change.  I don’t like pressure.  I don’t like hard, tense situations of any sort.  But life seems so full of them.  People call me “lazy,” “a doormat,” and tell me to “get out of my shell.”  I don’t understand why.  Can we stop talking about this, please?  Can we just eat ice cream in our pajamas?

At my best, though, I can be a valuable peacemaker, a source of kindness and stability to those who love me.


Typings and Mistypings

Typing yourself through the Enneagram is … a bit terrifying, let’s face it.  Because Enneagram demands self-awareness of your deepest flaws.  Unlike MBTI, which identifies a neutral “thought process,” it’s identifying your weaknesses, those things which, if you’re being honest with yourself, make you groan “whyyyyyy do I do this???”  Although to clarify–this is NOT about beating oneself up or admitting defeat because “good news, I’m fundamentally broken & can’t be fixed.”  (Lookin’ at you, my fellow Type Fours. 😉 )  Enneagram was created as a vehicle for self-improvement, a method to point out rough spots and work on filling ’em in.

Here’s the problem, though.

Even more so than MBTI, the world of Enneagram is absolutely rife with mistyping.  Why?  Even those ready & eager to examine their flaws often end up reading through Enneagram profiles and (subconsciously) picking THE WRONG SET OF FLAWS.  The issues they “wish” they had, instead of the issues they actually have.  This explains why I thought I was Type One for a good while instead of settling on Four … I’d rather see myself as impatient, exacting, and over-conscientious–hey, at least I’d get stuff done!!!–than as melodramatic and enamored of psychological darkness.  But, hey.  Here we are.

A small tip:  If you’re like me, diving in to research the profiles for the first time, and there’s one type that sticks out like a sore thumb for its annoying-ness, “well, no way am I one of those idiots …”

ya might actually be one of those idiots. 😛

Which is okay, because no type is better than another; and each one has its good, healthy points and its own way of contributing to this beautiful world of ours.

Common areas of confusion:

  • Ones and Fours often mistype as each other; largely because they’re both idealists.  Both repulsed by the world “as it is,” both wishing it could be something purer and more beautiful.  But a) the One actively preaches and corrects, while the Four withdraws to brood™, and b) the Four has an overwhelming need to be different, to stand out from the crowd.  The One doesn’t need to be different, just to be right.
  • Rule-follower Sixes may mistype as Ones, seizing on an external, moral system (say, Catholicism) and strictly adhering to its guidelines.  But again, in the Six’s case, this is more from a need to feel safe and secure, than a burning passion to be perfect.
  • Rebellious Sixes, known as “counterphobic” Sixes, mistype as Eights because they identify with the Eight’s hard-charging, intense nature.  The difference here is the Eight defers to no one–while the counterphobic Six defers to a few special, trusted individuals, and in fact feels safer doing so.
  • Meanwhile, Twos (especially stressed or unhealthy Twos) mistype as Eight because of their bossy side: but a Two’s primary desire will always be “helping” and “feeling needed,” not so much “being in charge” for its own sake.
  • Leslie Knope from Parks & Rec may be a “steamroller,” but she’s still a Two, not an Eight.  Notice her loud, open, affection; her absolute certainty that she knows what is best for all the people around her.  Twos want to be the fixer, the helper.  And Ronan Lynch from The Raven Cycle is a classic counterphobic Six.  If you pay attention, Mr. “I-won’t-let-nobody-tell-me-what-to-do” actually lets Gansey tell him what to do, QUITE A LOT.
  • Sevens and Nines mistype as each other because of their shared reluctance to deal with life’s hard, messy situations.  The key difference?  A Seven does so spontaneously, a Nine does so quietly, stolidly.  The Seven may dodge a tough decision by packing their Chevy and moving to Mexico: the Nine ignores a painful reality by binge-watching Friends and baking cookies.
  • Finally: many, many, MANY people on the Internet who are absolutely Not Fives mistype as Fives, largely because Five is known as the rarest type, and therefore must be the coolest.  *facepalms*
  • There’s this misconception that anybody who likes books, enjoys a bit o’solitude, and was a teeny bit scared to learn to drive, must be a Five.  No, no, no, and nope.
  • Fives are clinically detached from their emotions and shun most contact with the outside world on principle.  As with the INxJ, there’s a reason they’re rare, y’all.
good movies make life better

Enneagram Wings

I’m not going to get really deep into this next bit: but, basically: each Enneagram type can have one of two “wings” which kind of modify its tendencies in one way or another.

You’ll see this notation on a lot of Enneagram posts: 1w9.  1w2.  2w1.  2w3.  And so on.

I’m going to use my own type, Type Four, as an example.  You can be either 4w3 or 4w5.  The 4w3 mixes a few traits of Type Three, notably the need to perform and the awareness of one’s social image, with the tell-tale emotional intensity of the Four.  By contrast, the 4w5 mixes a few Five-ish traits, notably a “withdrawn” vibe and an eerie detachment from the opinions of others, with the Four’s search for an Authentic Self™.

What does this look like in practice?  Well, fun fact: Pretty much all Fours are dedicated to expressing their unique identity through how they dress.  My 4w3 sister cares very much about being in style (that’s her Three wing coming out), yet, without fail, she gravitates towards the more avant-garde or retro fringes of contemporary fashion.  She’s aiming to create a fashionably unique Look: something you will see & never forget.  Meanwhile?  Yours truly, the antisocial l’il 4w5, dresses with pretty much zero regard to the fashions of the day, and if you tell me something I’m wearing is “dated,” I will cling to it even harder, as a symbolic “middle finger” to the entire CONCEPT of societal beauty standards.

Oh, and I refuse to wear makeup. 😛

Instinctual Variants

Not gonna lie, this next bit is probably my favorite part of the Enneagram.

Lemme spare you the technical language and just say there are three “instinctual variants,” sp, sx, and soc.  Sp is about basic needs like food, sleep, and safety.  Sx is about chasing intense one-on-one relationships and intense experiences in general.  Soc is about your connections to the larger community and your awareness of your group standing.

Here’s the fun part.

People who are sp first get extremelyyyyyyyy cranky when they’re hungry, when they stay up too late, when you tire them out, when you put them in a physically risky situation.  I guarantee you, you know somebody like this.  (It’s me.  I’m the somebody. xD)

People who are sp blind forget to sleep, forget to eat, constantly take physical risks, and are genuinely surprised when their actions almost get them killed.  You ABSOLUTELY know one of these lovable idiots. 😉  Makes more sense now, huh?

People who are sx first throw themselves into emotionally vulnerable situations headlong, have no secrets and few boundaries, and are 100% convinced love at first sight exists, because it happened to me one time in Caracas, lemme tell you about … um, yeah. 😉

People who are sx blind prefer a quieter version of life, thank you very much.  The bonds they form are less intense, and that’s the way they like it.  They may show little interest in romance.  If they do, it’ll be more the “marry your best friend” variety.

People who are soc first are may not be wildly extroverted social butterflies, per se: but they are natural mixers to a degree, good at forming connections, reputation-conscious, and able to use community dynamics to their advantage.

People who are soc blind are kind of, um, clueless about all the above. 😛  For example?  People who are soc-blind have no problem walking out of a sermon they disagree with, and may not even notice until they’re halfway down the aisle that PEOPLE ARE STARING AT ME.  Most of the time, it barely even occurs to the poor hapless soc-blind that people in the aggregate a) exist and b) Are Watching.

#yes this story is oddly specific

#gee I wonder why


So now you know, folks.  I’m INFP, 4w5, sp/sx, and soc-blind.  

What about you?

23 thoughts on “Part Two: Enneagram!

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  1. Oh wow wow wow!!! This was fascinating and SO informative.

    Confession: I kind of shy away from the Enneagram because of my ridiculous loyalty to MBTI. I feel like the world just suddenly exploded with Enneagram eeeverything and I was over here like, “But what happened to MBTI???” *puts on valley girl voice* “MBTI was SO a decade ago.” XD That’s how it felt! So I’ve been clinging to MBTI and all upset that people have seemed to move on to the Enneagram.

    I’m so weird. XD

    BUT. My personality type obsessed self can’t help but want to know about ALL the types sooo I’ve been wanting to give Enneagram more of a chance. And this post helped SO MUCH. I’ve only dabbled a little into it and haven’t familiarized myself with the types a whole lot yet. This was GREAT having such a clear, concise explanation of each one. I’ve been typed as a 1, and now reading this, I’m like 95% sure that’s correct. Actually, I was typed as 1w9, and YEP. That looks just about right! Because I ABSOLUTELY am a perfectionist, have such strong opinions about morality, and set ridiculously high expectations for myself…and others. Mhmmm. It’s terrible. BUT AT THE SAME TIME I haaaaate conflict. Avoid it like the plague. And am so, so often the mediator between opposing people. So yep. 1w9 sounds about right to me. XD

    And that makes so much sense about all the mistyping. I think when I took a test it said I could also possibly be a 4. But…no. Every time I see things about 4s it isn’t quiiite me.

    So yes. THIS ALL MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. And is totally making me want to PROPERLY learn more about the Enneagram.

    And I’m ashamed to say I really haven’t even heard about the instinctual variants??? o.o But that’s so fun and fascinating! Aaahhhh look what you’ve done. Now I’m going to be spending hours acquainting myself with Enneagram stuff, like I do with MBTI. 😛

    But, no, really. This was GREAT. SO SO GREAT. I am suuuper excited about part 3 and using it to write characters. ‘Cause you better believe I used MBTI for writing characters all. the. time. It’s so helpful and kinda what got me into it in the first place! And it seems like Enneagram would be super helpful with characters since it’s about what a person wants and is afraid of. And that’s SO IMPORTANT to know when character creating. I never really knew that was the core of the Enneagram. Psssh, silly me, not looking into it deeper. You have opened my eyes!

    SO YES. I am excited and absolutely looooving this series!



      *beams, immoderately*

      Yes!!!! I’m totally with you, Enneagram’s recent popularity has kind of overshadowed MBTI and made people be like, “eh, let’s throw out this outdated system …” No, no, no!! The two systems are complementary, and they work best when you use them TOGETHER. 😀 As my friend Charity puts it, MBTI is “how” you do things, Enneagram is “why.”

      1w9 totally sounds right for you!! *nods* And 1w9 definitely goes well with being an ENFJ, too, because the ENFJ both has clearly defined opinions about morality, and cares a lot about group harmony.

      Haha, no, from meeting you at Realm Makers, I’d definitely say you’re not a 4! That’s me, lol!
      INFP 4w5.

      *giggles* Well, it’ll give you something new to think about during quarantine, eh? 😉

      Yessssssssssssssss I absolutely love the way Enneagram helps me delve deep into my characters! Because I always knew, vaguely, that I needed to know what they’re afraid of, and what they want: but Enneagram gives me these clearly defined fears and desires, that are actual MIRROR IMAGES of each other to boot–“I want X, BECAUSE I’m afraid of Y.” And it also offers clear pathways for growth and just … yes. I am a fan, for sure. 😀

      Thank you!! Ahh, I’m so glad! ❤


  2. Ok, I love this series and how it comes with Charity’s house series (did you plan that? it works perfect). I would take various personality tests and save the results, but then I’d get disgusted and delete them all, I wish I had all the congregate results from over the years to look over but I only have the most recent. I took a couple enneagram tests all at once and tried to add up the various scores to see if it would be more accurate. Didn’t really help. I tried to look at the types. I made these notes
    Mentally unhealthy me is a 6
    Morally unhealthy me is a 8
    Safe me is a 7 (who am I kidding that should have been under ideal me as well)
    Ideal me is a 5?
    I’m too 6 and 7 to be 3 and 1
    Antithetical to me are 2 and 9
    I feel like I’m a 6, 6 is motivated by fear right? But I feel like I have power issues too, I get told I’m too much by my family a lot, but I never end up having the upper hand. Like I always started off assuming I was an 8 because they are the loud ones. But motivation-wise, safety seems to always be first and some of the power struggle has to to with that?
    I want to read Charity’s posts. Do you have other recommendations, I’ve tried a book but ended up wanting to pitch it out the window. So yeah.

    I’ve also take this “paper” test, have you tried this one? I’ve taken it twice, but again, don’t think I saved the answers. I like how this puts the gut types (8, 9, 1), heart types (2, 3, 4), and head types (2, 6, 5), not sure I’d agree with the sorting but it’s interesting.


    1. Thanks!!! That makes me happy! 😀 Hahaaaa, yeah, Charity and I did plan that, actually–we are both BORED by quarantine, and when we are bored, we STAY UP ALL NIGHT TALKING ABOUT PERSONALITY SORTING. And … well, you see the results before you, on our respective blogs. 😉

      I think you’re a 6, as well, I think that sorting makes a lot of sense for you. Yes, 6s are motivated by fear and a desire to be safe. They can be a variety of different things, depending–compliant, timid, hard-charging, rebellious–but underlying it all is a deep need for security. Which, yes, as you said, can show up in power struggles: but 6s are never looking for power for its own sake, and when they find somebody they truly trust, they’re usually happy to let THAT person be in charge.

      Charity’s FunkyMBTI posts are amaaaaaazing 😀 I don’t know as much about Enneagram books, but Charity says to check out author Beatrice Chestnut. (I need to read Chestnut myself.)

      I haven’t taken that test, no!! I was really scared to take a test b/c they mistype so many people, haha 😉 But, yes! The head type / heart type / gut type thing was something I reallyyyyyy wanted to talk about here before my post got too long xD

      Head types, 5, 6, and 7, all feel like the world is a frightening place: so the 5 buries themselves in their books, the 6 looks for a group they can trust, and the 7 tries to party hard & forget they’re scared xD

      Heart types, 2, 3, and 4, are all motivated by a need for love and approval: so the 2 tries to be super helpful & friendly, the 3 tries to impress everybody, and the 4 affects a stance of “Nobody Loves Me, So Why Bother” *looks around hopefully*

      Gut types, 1, 8, and 9, are all reacting to the world with some kind of gut-level anger: the 1s because nothing is as perfect as it should be, the 8s because “why won’t you just let me be in CHARGE??” …. while the 9 tries to bury their anger, because it’s disruptive.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I LOVE THIS POST. I’m more of an enneagram person that an MBTI person just cos it easier to remember and has helped me more BUT I really appreciate both. I am a 3w2 NO QUESTION. I knew what my deepest fear was before I knew the enneagram and the enneagram helped me so much. I know that many people think that the personality typing can be used as an excuse like I’M LIKE THIS COS IT’S MY TYPE. But I find the opposite. Freeing. Like, I am not a slave to this weakness, I only tend towards it because it’s my type. Ya know???


    1. THANK YOU ❤ Glad you liked it!

      Oh absolutely!!! I totally agree!! Enneagram isn't about making excuses, it's about … recognizing your natural tendencies toward X flaw or Y flaw, giving yourself grace because everybody is messed up in their own way: and then working over time to moderate those bad tendencies & channel them into something healthier. 😀

      Like, as a 4, I’m never gonna be all bright & friendly & super people-oriented like a 2: but I can work on being creative & honest & not quiiiiiiite so emo, as a healthy 4.


  4. I love how you managed to get all this so condensed. XD Actually, it surprised me somehow that you’re a 4. But I can definitely see the wing aspects.

    I’m ISFJ, 8w9, sp/sx/soc blind.


    1. Thanks!! 😀 *bows* Oh, guuuuuuuurl. I am suuuuuuuuch a 4. 😉 I’m the one who, when something bad or scary happens, my first instinct is to be like, “I want to Feel This As Deeply As Possible,” and then I bite off the head of the first well-meaning person who tries to feed me optimism. xD Lol yup! The 5 wing is strong with me. 😉

      *solemn low fives for a fellow soc-blind*


      1. 😂 I can see the five. That’s actually what I would have tagged you. So that makes sense. But yes, optimism is highly offensive sometimes. XD

        *solemn low five* I’m just a blind blind chile

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yup! I definitely have a strong Five wing, but not strong enough to give me the emotional detachment of a Five core. I’m allllllllll up in my feelings. 😉 You don’t always see it online because, as an sp 4, I can put on a very “stoic” front: but once I’m talking to somebody I know really well, it’s like WOW WHO TURNED ON THE WATERWORKS. Lol.



  5. *applauds*

    You managed to condense a lot of information into a relatively short post. Congratulations! Nicely done. And you didn’t sugar-coat any of the types, while being nice about them, also. A lot of people focus on only the positive traits, which leads to mistyping. (Oh, of course I am special! I must be a 4! Well, actually… the sp2 looks a lot like a 4 and feels a need to be unique, the difference being the 4 thinks they are a broken weirdo and the sp2 thinks they are a cute, lovable person. Etc.)

    As a note to others — the social stacking is different for each type and once you get into it, will explain you even better. IE, the sp6 is likable and self-doubting (me), the soc6 is more authoritative and confident, the sx6 bristles and confronts like an 8, since it’s counter-phobic, etc. The sp2 is cute and lovable as a way to get affection, the soc2 is Emma Woodhouse “helping everyone,” the sx2 is a seductive person, etc. And if you want to learn to work through your number’s issues, I recommend Beatrice Chestnut’s book on the 27 subtypes. It’s good. 🙂


    1. Thank you, friend!! And you know, I had a pretty good teacher. ❤

      Yuppppppppppppp. I figure, okay, in my profiles, I need to lead with the bad stuff, because that’s how you recognize your true type, since we’re all more or less at unhealthy levels. But I wanted to finish up with the “this is what you COULD be,” because each one has its positive aspects, as well.

      RIGHT. And the sp 4 (me) is a little more outwardly stoic and wears its intense melodrama more “on the inside,” while the soc 4 is way louder about its trials and tribulations to a wider audience, and the sx 4 is all poetical & romantical and focused on intense intimacy.

      I really need to read Chestnut, myself …

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ha, ha. I got to be a way better teacher when I myself found actual decent resources to refer back to and wasn’t just trying to cobble-up a Ne system founded on random Internet sources. 😉

        It can also take awhile for people to recognize their type — that’s why it is a system of introspection and self-awareness. The entire point of it isn’t to stick a number in your profile that is cool, but to say, “Okay… as an 8, I pick fights unnecessarily, I come on way too strong to people, and I take everyone as someone to challenge… but this isn’t necessary, I can dial it back, learn to move to 5 analysis, and ask myself if this really is a threat or not?” Or as a 2, “I rush to help people prematurely, when all they really want from me is for me to listen.” Or as a 6, “I just interpreted that as hostile, but maybe that was not their intent. I need to stop projecting.” Or as a 4, “I don’t have to impose my identity on this all the time, am I being over-reactive?” Etc. THAT is why it’s a helpful system. It doesn’t put you in a box. It shows you the box you put yourself in, and how to climb out of it.

        Chestnut’s book cost me $20, which grated on a cheapskate like me, but it was worth every penny.


      2. LOL. Yep. #relatable

        Exactly. The point of the Enneagram is to point out your excesses, then give you a clear path for growth & moderation. “Instead of being so X, I need to be more Y.”

        Daaaaang. Well it must be a good book then. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      3. It is. I’d type up some of it and share it on Funky, but I think she ought to get paid for it, so I would rather point people to her book as a resource. She clearly put a lot of work and used her therapy background when she wrote up her growth sections.


  6. This is super helpful because I’ve just really gotten into Enneagram! I don’t know which I am yet because I kind of relate to all of them. XD

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ooohh, so cool!! You explain it super well!!

    Also, I’d never heard about the Instinctual Variants before! :O I’m not sure which one I am… I took a test for it and it said I was an “sp”, but looking at your list, the ones I relate to are sp blind, sx first and soc first. I’m still not really sure what that all means. xD (Do you only have one of those variants? Or one of each category?)

    But ANYWAYS. I loved reading this!!


    1. Thank you!! ❤

      Okay, with instinctual variants, it's basically a "Choose Two" situation. There are two that you use, and one you don't use at all (the "blind" part).

      If you relate to sp blind, then you probably are–so you would be either soc/sx, or sx/soc. Because you're ENFJ and a 2, my guess would be soc/sx.

      Glad you liked it, friend!!


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