16 Kinds of Crazy: Review!

What ho, what ho! I just finished reading 16 Kinds of Crazy: The Sixteen Personality Types by Charity Bishop. Although when I say "finished reading," I don't mean I breezed through it in a week. Oh, no. This book is a solid chunkster, nearly 400 pages long. It's best to read it slowly to give... Continue Reading →

Star Wars: Personality Types!

Ever since I started my personality series on this blog, friends have asked me to type the Star Wars characters. I always promised I would oblige "some day" ... and lo and behold, today is that day! Shout-out to the wise and wizardly Charity @FunkyMBTI, who helped me nail down these typings, and The Sorting... Continue Reading →

Leverage: Personality Types

Good evening, fellow members of the criminal classes. It's been a minute since we talked about personality types, eh what? Well, if you've been missing my typing posts, not to worry! Today I bring you the personality types of the Leverage gang, so let's get cracking! (Not safe-cracking. Of course not. "That would be Treason.... Continue Reading →

The Avengers: Personality Types!

Here it is, ladies and gentlemen ... the post you've all been waiting for! The post where I, your fearless leader, sort the heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe into MBTI types, Enneagram types, and Hogwarts houses! (Well, well, maybe you haven't been waiting for any such post--but never mind. Here it is anyway. ;))... Continue Reading →

The West Wing: Personality Types

Yes, I am here, lovelies, with YET ANOTHER "personality types" breakdown.  This time, we're looking at my esteemed favorite TV show, The West Wing. Y'all probably think I've gone crazy, but there's a good explanation for my recent explosion of typing posts, I promise!!  Namely, a) boredom and Stress™ b) re-watching and re-reading favorite stories... Continue Reading →

Jane Austen: Personality Typings

Whaddup, dog. Today, we're sorting Jane Austen characters into MBTI types, Enneagram types, and Hogwarts houses--y'all ready??? I thought about doing individual posts for (say) the whole cast of a single book, but I think folks are more interested in the heroes' and heroines' types, than the side characters.  Or maybe that's just me.  I'm... Continue Reading →

The Raven Cycle: Personality Typings

My obsession with Maggie Stiefvater's Raven Cycle is no secret. So, whilst I twiddle my thumbs, waiting for that Raven Cycle Netflix original series I was promised (WHERE IS IT? I DEMAND TO KNOW), I'm going to type all five members of the original Gangsey: Gansey, Ronan, Adam, Noah, and Blue.  For each character, we'll... Continue Reading →

Part Two: Enneagram!

*dances, gently, in the rain* So my MBTI post got an INSANE response from y'all (I love you guys ❤ ), and I promised I'd do a follow-up post explaining the Enneagram.  Often presented as a kind of "rival" to the MBTI system, Enneagram actually works best when you pair it with cognitive function theory,... Continue Reading →

Everything I Always Wanted to Say About MBTI

*sips black coffee* Greetings, comrades. So, MBTI, amiright?  The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the world's best-known personality sorting system.  MBTI holds great sway over the wild lands of the Internet, is earnestly preached by corporate managers in their beige-painted boardrooms, annnnnnnnd ... kind of gets an eye-roll from everybody else.  In my experience, anyway.  Either because... Continue Reading →

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