Top Ten Pop Songs in Film/TV

*peace signs* 'Sup. Today's post is inspired by the lovely "Top Ten" posts of February's recent romantical festivities, the Lovely Blog Party and the Valentine's Day Period Drama Party. I thought, "Hey, Katie, it's been a while since you've done a Top Ten post. Why don't you change that?" Sadly, at least for the romance... Continue Reading →

The Avengers: Personality Types!

Here it is, ladies and gentlemen ... the post you've all been waiting for! The post where I, your fearless leader, sort the heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe into MBTI types, Enneagram types, and Hogwarts houses! (Well, well, maybe you haven't been waiting for any such post--but never mind. Here it is anyway. ;))... Continue Reading →

That Really Long, Gushy, OTP Post

Ordinarily ... I'm a pretty nice person. Under stress, I am not a nice person. Under stress, like (say) a massive global pandemic coupled with weeks of isolation & boredom, Fun, Easygoing Katie disappears, to be replaced by Drill Sergeant Katie: liable to smack people down at any moment for even the smallest offenses.  Some... Continue Reading →

The 12 Days of Christmas Movie Tag

Merry Almost Christmas, lads and lasses! *passes around eggnog* (which I actually have never tasted in my life but whatevsssssssssssss) The mighty Rachel @Hamlette's Soliloquy came up with a delightful movie tag based on the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas," and since that's one of my all-time favorite Christmas carols, I figured, why not... Continue Reading →

The Five Songs + Five Characters Tag

The mighty Rachel @Hamlette's Soliloquy (you don't mind being called 'mighty,' I hope, Rachel? 😉 #nod to Thor) recently included me in the Five Songs + Five Characters Tag.  I may or may not have sQUEALED WITH DELIGHT when she did so:  because associating songs with fictional characters is basically my life's work, and I... Continue Reading →

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Ask not for whom the bell tolls, John Donne admonishes us.  It tolls for thee.  'Kay, now I've hit you with that entirely random Elizabethan quote, let me back up and start again.  I've been thinking a lot about the upcoming Avengers: Endgame lately, which means I've been thinking a lot about tragedy and human mortality. ... Continue Reading →

Captain Marvel: Review

'Sup. I finally saw Captain Marvel, and I'm here to tell you, it's . . . marvelous. (Sorry.  Couldn't resist.) But in all truth, this is an excellent, powerful, inspiring, fun-filled movie, which I believe everyone ought to see.  It's not knock-your-socks-off-with-emotional-trauma like Infinity War, but it's deep and rich in its own way.  While... Continue Reading →

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