Everything I Always Wanted to Say About MBTI

*sips black coffee* Greetings, comrades. So, MBTI, amiright?  The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the world's best-known personality sorting system.  MBTI holds great sway over the wild lands of the Internet, is earnestly preached by corporate managers in their beige-painted boardrooms, annnnnnnnd ... kind of gets an eye-roll from everybody else.  In my experience, anyway.  Either because... Continue Reading →

The Seven Questions Book Tag

This tag came courtesy of my awesome pal Eva @Coffee, Classics, and Craziness . . . and, it's all about books.  Ergo, I'm doing it.  😀 Eva's Seven Questions What's the first book you can remember reading? A children's study Bible that we had in the house.  I was five, I think.  I remember painstakingly... Continue Reading →

Harry Potter and the Flames of Controversy

*slides into home plate*  *dusts off cleats* What up, guys!  I'm back, as promised, to talk about everybody's favorite topic--conservative Christians and Harry Potter.  As a lifelong orthodox Catholic who just 'discovered' the world of Hogwarts at the ripe old age of twenty-five, I'm sure you'll agree I am eminently qualified for this discussion.  😉 Because... Continue Reading →

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